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Member videos

Author : Treasurer
Date : 20/09/2020 08:46
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Member videos

For Society members please can you do ‘selfie’ video or get someone else to do a video with a mobile. We would suggest the following subjects:
How did they know about Spitfire Society?
When and why did they join it?
What does a Spitfire mean to them?
What do they know about what the society does and supports?
How do they see the benefit of the society?
Why should others join the society?
What else would they like to add to their statement?
Note: When doing the video, please give your full name at the start and make sure your voice is clean and picture is good quality. Do not worry about any hesitation or break in the statements as we will be using the videos in various cut segments.
Any questions please contact the Trustees through treasurer@spitfiresociety.org or through the Facebook page.

Why I Joined The Society - Trustee & Treasurer


Member videos